Festival Filmer la Musique, Paris



Using the human body as a model, Metonymies breaks it down into signs based on rhythm and movement. Each element (hand, foot, mouth) thus takes on an autonomous value, both a bodily entity and a semantic element of the language of the work. This experimental decomposition/recomposition confronts a typographical play on the fundamental unit of writing, the grapheme. A grid of voxels generates an alphabet proposing through a series of transformations the introduction of hybrid characters.

Musically, a set of sampled syllables are recomposed to a simple rhythm, generating random phrases. The work thus deconstructs the narrative value of language in favor of rhythmic and poetic notions specific to musical writing.

The viewer is thus faced with a language of a media nature, where repetition in time and space raises questions about the modes of communication in contemporary society.

Festival Filmer la Musique, Paris

Project carried out as part of the EnsadLab research program, Paris.

Project manager: Patrice Mugnier
ITR team: Samuel Huron, Camille Baudelaire, Kuei Yu Ho, Raphaël Isdant
Performer: Chin Hsi

In the same theme